
all my fears are sleeping now, but i am awake

so are the lightning-bugs within me

they are quite awake

my insecurities have fled for the night

and i hope for forever

i cannot tell if i am sleepy or just at peace

but either way i know that i can sleep well tonight

and my fears will be sleeping too

but they will be far far away

and so i wont have to worry about them tonight

oh how good it feels to rest.

The Joy I saw

The joy that I saw in their eyes was incredible. I wondered if my face was shining like that as well.

A couple weeks ago we were a bunch of misfits. We were lost and hurt and broken into pieces. We we not okay. 

But safety pins and razor blades don’t define us anymore. They have no grip on us. All the pain and the weight of it has been lifted off of our shoulders. Only joy remains.

Only peace. Only love. Only grace. We are alive and we are free now.

At first there was pain. There was shame. And we had to bring all of that pain and shame and sin out into the open before we could get rid of it. But once it was out there, we didn’t have to get rid of it. Suddenly, it was already gone.

It was taken away. And joy remains.