Wet Bones.

So I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for some time. The idea of Wet Bones.

And what I mean by Wet Bones, is bones supporting life. People talk about dry bones, and they think of death. So by association, when people think of bones at all, they begin to think of death.

In reality however, without our bones, we wouldn’t live. They support us. They help us move, walk, dance, skip, run.

Wet Bones. Bones that are still within us. The skeleton that never entered a closet.

I know that I’m not the only one who has a fascination with bones, with the skeletal system. But many tend to love bones as they love death.

I love bones as I love life.

I don’t say this in any medical way. I’m not a doctor, nor do I wish to be. I’m not thinking about this on a more spiritual level, if you can do so while speaking specifically of the flesh.

Wet Bones.

That’s all I had to say. Maybe this doesn’t interest you at all, but I wanted to give you all something to think about, and write about, today. Have fun guys. See you in Paradise.